The Concept of SystemPro is...
considered A to Z.
Choosing and creating a chair is a pleasure. Get convinced and visit the
"create" section.
Assembling resembles building blocks and is as easy as taking them out of the boxes.
All the elements are made of highest quality materials and undergo strict quality control.
SystemPro means free choice for users and flexibility for dealers.
We did our best to make all information available on this site precise and up-to-date. Due to our strategy of constant product improvement, we reserve the right to modify any of the elements, change their technical parameters and, in some cases, dimensions of the boxes.
- stool seat, plywood
- plywood seat with adjustable back-rest
- upholstered seat with adjustable back-rest
- standard pneumatic lift
- high pneumatic lift
- relaxing footrest
- aluminium base 610 mm
- aluminium base 655 mm
- steel base - ultra-flat profile
- feet - 5 pcs. in set
- wheels for soft grounds - 5 pcs. in set
- wheels for hard grounds - 5 pcs. in set
For the production of SystemPro Lab chairs we use highest quality materials only.

plywood seat and back-rest

upholstered seat and back-rest

tiredness absorber - spring steel

solid blocking

high-class, pneumatic lifts
(various heights)

light and proof aluminium bases
or extremely resistant steel ones
with an ultra-flat profile

feet made of materials resistant
to grinding and knocking

for soft grounds

for hard grounds